
Topic: Games you recently DROPPED

Posts 321 to 329 of 329


Ace Attorney - Apollo Justice. Was enjoying it so much until I got softlocked by my broken touchscreen, I need to touch the smallest section of the screen to progress! Later games like Investigations fixed this issue by giving more D-pad options, but I'll unfortunately have to replace my screen (I've already traumatised myself from unwise 3DS tinkering).



First time ever I drop a game: Outer Wilds - for me a game must be first of all fun, this one I found unnecessarily frustrating and consequently boring.



Maybe not totally dropped, but The World Ends With You: Final Remix goes back into the backlog for now. Played the first 20 mins or so and found the touch control pretty frustrating, might invest in a stylus before I try this one again.



@GeneralFulbright I'm with you on this, I gave it a couple of hours and knew it wasn't a game 'for me'. Strange, as I expected to click with it....

I'm no stranger to slower and more thought-provoking games (I adore Disco Elysium) but I couldn't get on board with Outer Wilds. I found the control system quite cumbersome also, especially using the jetpack..

I might return to it and give it another go, but I've got too many other great games to play right now!



@CJD87 True, controls are awful and the pressure created by the 22 minutes loop totally ruins the pleasure of exploration.

Edited on by GeneralFulbright



Banjo Kazooie. I've posted my full thoughts over on pure xbox, but imo, it's an overrated mess of a game.



Maximum Velocity.

I have more games to play and far less patience than I did when this first came out on GBA.


You reckon?
Played it recently and found the individual levels quite tightly designed.
The hub is pretty tedious though.

Edited on by Uncle_Franklin



Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown - I was playing this until I got distracted with Dragon's Dogma 2. I seem to have lost interest in Prince of Persia now



It pains me to say this but as excited about it as I was, Corn Kidz 64 was a massive disappointment for me. It controls really well and nails the N64 aesthetic, but so much of it was just an exercise in frustration, between punishing fall damage, inputs that felt unreliable, a pretty awful camera, and very cryptic world design that I just did not have the patience for. The game's like 2-3 hours long and I still couldn't bring myself to finish.


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