
  • News Taz's Appetite Expands Onto The DS

    Developed by WayForward Technologies, take control of The Tasmanian Devil in dual modes of play.

    Looney Tunes is one of those franchises where the roster of characters is so large and diverse, there's one for everyone. Whether you share personality traits, or you just like the way they walk and talk, you just can't help but associate yourself with...


  • News Warner Bros. Interactive Announces New Batman Game for Wii and DS

    Animated show tie-in to coming this fall

    Wii owners may have missed out on Arkham Asylum, but they're getting an exclusive release in the form of a game based upon the Batman: The Brave and the Bold animated series, in which the Dark Knight teams up with other DC heroes to combat villainy. Wayforward are the developers behind this licensed tie-in,...


  • News Square Enix to Publish LIT in Japan

    Spooky adventure headed to Japan.

    No sooner did news of Square Enix publishing LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias in Japan come out that now we have news of yet another title coming to the Japanese WiiWare service courtesy of the RPG giant. WayForward has just announced that Square Enix will be publishing their LIT WiiWare title in Japan under the...


  • News Mighty Flip Champs Europe-Bound This Month!

    At long last...

    It seems like European gamers have been waiting an absolute age to get their fingers on WayForward's really rather good Mighty Flip Champs, but the waiting is nearly over as WayForward has just told us the game will be releasing this month! As yet we have no exact date, but with European releases going up on Friday it can really only...



  • News A Boy and His Blob Transforms into Video Footage!

    The first trailer is online now, and it looks rather tasty...

    We're big fans of A Boy and His Blob here at Nintendo Life - in fact, you may remember a recent podcast featured an exclusive interview with creators WayForward! - so we were very excited to see the first trailer metamorphasise into view. As you can see, the game's 2D animation is...


  • News Shantae Sequel, For Serious This Time?

    WayForward Tweet refers to big announcement via Nintendo Power.

    GoNintendo is reporting that our genie-related prayers may be answered soon. The long-teased and seemingly forgotten sequel to 2002's Game Boy Color title Shantae might be closer than we think. It all began with the lastest issue of Nintendo Power, which promised the reveal of a DSiWare...


  • Podcast Episode 6 - WayForward Interview!

    A Boy and His Blob creators speak exclusively to us! Plus - reader's voices!

    Yes, it's already been four weeks since our last podcast, so that must mean it's time for the next Nintendo Life podcast! It's a longer beast than ever before, with over 25 minutes of top-quality Nintendo news and reviews, and a world-exclusive interview with WayForward...




  • News Mighty Flip Champs! On Nintendo Channel

    This game looks flippin’ awesome!

    If you read our recent interview with WayForward about their upcoming DSiWare game, Mighty Flip Champs! if you are anything like us you probably put this game right on your “instabuy” list. It certainly looks set to be the first DSiWare title to try and bring something original to the table. If you are keen to...

  • News LIT Officially Headed to Europe

    European gamers can finally breathe a sigh of relief as WayForward's LIT is on its way to the European WiiWare service.

    Although we've already seen hints here and there regarding LIT_'s eventual European WiiWare release, the guys at WayForward decided to make it official today with their announcement that LIT is indeed coming to the European WiiWare...

  • Interviews WayForward talk Mighty Flip Champs!

    From the moment we first heard of Mighty Flip Champs! we were intrigued. There wasn't much information on the game, but what we knew was exciting indeed.

    With WayForward's impressive pedigree, and some tantalizing gameplay mechanics, we knew we could expect their DSiWare debut to be something special, and we couldn't resist tracking them down for...


  • News More DSiWare: Mighty Flip Champs!

    Looks like we might have jumped the gun just a little bit with our DSiWare Pre-release Roundup! Some tantalizing details about another potential launch title are circulating...

    Mighty Flip Champs! will mark the DSi debut of WayForward Technologies. Not much is known about the game except that it takes place in a dungeon, which is navigated by...

  • News Atari 2600 Version of LIT?

    For those of you out there who are old enough to be familiar with the beloved Atari 2600 console, here's an interesting little article for you.

    It seems that one of the developers from Wayforward believes that any game design worth its weight in gold should be able to be executed on the old Atari 2600 game console. He even goes so far as to work up...


  • News LIT Coming To US WiiWare on February 9th

    Those of you out there who've been anxiously awaiting Wayforward Technologies' new WiiWare title LIT won't have to wait much longer. WayForward has just announced on their web site that LIT will be coming to the North American WiiWare service on February 9th for 800 Wii Points.

    LIT is a 3D horror action puzzler that follows Jake, a typical,...


  • News Wayforward Launches Official LIT Web Site

    The official LIT website is now live for all to check out. You might even find a link to a certain interview that one utterly amazing WiiWare website recently conducted. There are also quite a few screenshots of LIT in action as well as some really cool conceptual artwork from the game's developers.

    You can also check out the brand new LIT gameplay...


  • News Wayforward Interview - LIT

    Wayforward Technologies has gained quite a reputation for their quality titles during their years in the video game industry, creating such acclaimed titles as Shantae for the Game Boy Color system as well as Contra 4 for Nintendo's DS system.

    Now the team is getting set to release LIT, their first WiiWare title, and we thought it would be a good...