Tag: Business - Page 10

  • News Howard Lincoln: Nintendo Has "No Plans" to Sell Stake in Mariners MLB Team

    The late Hiroshi Yamauchi kept the team in Seattle

    One of the many stories surrounding the remembrance of former Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi is how he's considered the saviour of the Seattle Mariners baseball team, taking a majority share of the organization in 1992 when its previous owner was about to sell it to a Florida group. Yamauchi's...

  • News Atlus Reaches Out to Fans Regarding Acquisition by Sega

    “Sega understands our drive to achieve quality”

    With news that Sega Sammy has acquired Atlus’s parent company, Index still being freshly digested by many, Atlus President and CEO Naota Hiraoka has released a statement addressed to the company’s fans and customers. Hiraoka gives a brief recap of Index’s troubles and how Atlus will continue...

  • Rumour Nintendo Is Shaping Up To Acquire Troubled Atlus

    Could the esteemed Shin Megami Tensei developer become an in-house studio?

    Atlus may be riding high on the success of Shin Megami Tensei IV, but its parent company Index is in serious financial trouble and is likely to begin auctioning off its assets — Atlus included — as early as this week. Interestingly, there are rumours circulating that...

  • News Former Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi Slumps To 13th In Japan's Rich List

    Nintendo's former figurehead impacted by tumbling share value

    Having $2.1 billion in the bank would make us very happy indeed, but that amount of cash can only secure you 13th place in Japan's rich list, according to Forbes. Former Nintendo President Hiroshi Yamauchi used to be sitting pretty at the top of Japan's richest people, but his fortunes...

  • News GamerPrint Gets Festive With Video Game Christmas Cards

    Ho Ho Bros

    It's almost that time of year, when everyone is merry, bright, and decking the halls with boughs of holly. Whether we like it or not, it's creeping up fast. Buying cards for this festive time, meanwhile, can often be a little bit dull, but GamerPrint has something to offer gamers for the upcoming holiday season. The gaming enthusiast's...

  • News Business Insider: Wii U Is The Most Fun I've Had With A Game Console, Ever

    Glowing praise from an unlikely source

    As the Nintendo-loving world waits with bated breath for the Wii U to launch and various skeptics pour scorn over its chances, it would appear that the new format has unequivocal support from one sector of the market, at least. Business Insider's Dylan Love got some hands-on time with the new console at a...

  • News Nintendo Responds To Foxconn's Admission Of Guilt In Child Labour Scandal

    "We take our responsibilities as a global company very seriously"

    Yesterday, allegations surfaced online that Chinese manufacturer Foxconn - which counts Nintendo, Sony and Apple as some of its clients - was employing children in its factories. Foxconn has since admitted guilt, issuing the following statement: We recognize that full...

  • News Pressure Group Makes Fresh Calls For Nintendo To Embrace Mobile Phones

    Upwardly mobile?

    Are you sick of hearing people saying that Nintendo should start making games for smartphones? Yes? Well prepare yourself for more nausea, because a new pressure group - with the snappy title of Nintendo Go Mobile - has been created to achieve just that goal. Here's what they have to say, spelling errors and all: Nintendo go...

  • News Analyst Calls for Mario on Non-Nintendo Platforms

    Is that a flying pig?

    After today's financial reports confirmed major losses for Nintendo, there are once again calls for the company to take its greatest IP treasures onto other platforms, such as smartphones and tablets. We've heard this all before, with investors saying similar things when Nintendo dropped the 3DS retail price. It's as likely now...

  • Talking Point A Big Year for Nintendo

    Time for a transition

    Today Nintendo announced its annual financial results, and the big headline is that it made a loss of 43 billion Yen, roughly $529m USD or £327m GBP. While we don't need to fear for the future of the company at this stage due to its significant stockpiles of cash and assets, it’s nevertheless a blow for the big N. The loss...

  • Feature Nintendo Banks on Its Old Money Makers

    If in doubt…

    Nintendo is set to announce its latest financial results that will cover the past year, and it’s anticipated that, for the first time in its history, the company will record a yearly loss. It’s an obvious blow for Nintendo, particularly as the past five to six years have brought staggering success. Even the results for 2010-2011...

  • News Iwata: We Want 3DS Sales to Show Consoles are Here to Stay

    President comes out swinging

    One of the most anticipated 3DS games is nearly here: Super Mario 3D Land releases in Japan next week, and Nintendo president Satoru Iwata expects it to ignite 3DS hardware sales. Speaking to investors after the company's quarterly results, Iwata revealed that since the price drop the 3DS is selling at a better pace than...

  • News 3DS Hardware Sales Show Big Improvements

    Not all doom and gloom

    Nintendo just posted a 70 billion Yen loss: even the least economically minded of us can tell you that's not good. Every cloud has a silver lining though, and in this case it's the dramatically increased upswing in sales of the 3DS. In the period between April and June 2011, Nintendo shifted just 710,000 consoles around the...

  • News Nintendo Posts 70 Billion Yen Net Loss in Past Quarter

    The results are in

    Nintendo's quarterly financial results just appeared on the company's Japanese site and, as expected, the company is still struggling in the market. Nintendo failed to meet its sales targets set in July 2011, with DS software and the 3DS still dropping short of expectations, missing its ¥240 billion income target by 10%. This in...

  • News Nintendo Social Responsibility Report Makes Fascinating Reading

    "Putting smiles on faces" paramount

    Nintendo is all about creating games, but it's also a huge company with all the business stuff that entails: shareholders, finance sheets and stacks of paperwork. Business documents can be exceedingly boring, but when Nintendo's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report starts with a message of "Bringing...

  • News Profits Down 46% As Nintendo Makes $1.3 Billion

    Cuts sales projections for Wii and DS

    The accounting period just before launching a new console is always a tough one: who's likely to shell out for a machine when a newer, shinier model is on the horizon? Perhaps that's partly to blame for a sharp decrease in Nintendo's third-quarter profits which saw the company's operating profit drop to $1.3...

  • News Konami to Take Over Hudson in April

    Studio to be absorbed like one of Bomberman's explosions

    Hudson, well known for its Bomberman and Deca Sports series, is to be fully absorbed by Konami on April 1 of this year. Konami, the studio behind Castlevania, Dance Dance Revolution, Silent Hill and many other titles has been Hudson's parent company since April 2005, holding a 54% stake. The...

  • News Nintendo and American Heart Association Team Up to Promote Healthy Living

    Collaboration intends to get more people active through physical play

    Nintendo and the American Heart Association have announced a new partnership to help people become more physically active through play. The collaboration aims to get people "motivated, empowered and active." What this means on a surface level is that Nintendo's...

  • News Miyamoto: Nintendo May Need to Rethink its Online Approach

    Says a pay service isn't out of the question

    Compared to Xbox Live and PlayStation Network, the Wii's online service is...somewhat lacking. While functional when put to use by capable hands, the Wii's free online is undoubtedly in last place when it comes to services, ease of use and capabilities offered. But hey, it's free, right? For now it is, at...

  • News Former Nintendo Executive Lands Marketing Role at 38 Studios

    Could she be a Red Sox fan?

    Denise Kaigler, former vice president of corporate affairs at Nintendo of America, has reintegrated herself into the video game industry after giving up her position last November due to the strain commuting had put on her family life. Prior to her two years of service at Nintendo, Kaigler held a marketing executive...

  • News Nintendo Relicenses SC Texture Technology

    Unwilling to let GameCube compression tech go

    Nintendo recently renewed their license with S3 Graphics to continue using their S3 Texture Compression technology. They explain the tech as follows: S3TC texture compression uses an advanced compression algorithm that achieves up to six-fold compression of complex textures and images that are used in...

  • News It's Official: Nintendo is the Best

    Are you going to argue with the experts at A.T. Kearney, punk?

    As hardcore Nintendo fans we're all aware that the company is pretty freakin' special. However, it's always nice to have this kind of thing confirmed semi-officially, so the fact that highly respected consulting firm A.T. Kearney has decided that Nintendo is the number one firm in the...