
Topic: NSO Game Trials

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A place to talk about the current game trials or opinions on NSO game trials in general. Game Trials seem like an under-utilized part of NSO, but Nintendo does trickle them down to us now and then. Please specify which region a trial is in since the NSO trials don't always seem to overlap region by region.

Recent trials:

NA + Europe trial (May 3 - May 9 2024) - STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic

  • 12 GB
  • 50% off ($7.50)
  • 7/10 review on NL

NA trial (April 17 - April 23 2024) - NBA 2K24

  • 58GB
  • 85% off sale ($9)
  • 5/10 review on NL

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


NA trial (April 17 - April 23 2024) - NBA 2K24

A couple thoughts:

  • Seems like a mediocre game (Nintendo Life rated it 5/10)
  • It is 58GB which just does not work well for game trials.
  • The game is currently on an 85% off sale.
  • I assume the company paid Nintendo to have the game trial because I'm not sure why Nintendo would choose this game otherwise.

I do wonder how Nintendo picks what games to do as trials, especially since they don't do them on any consistent schedule. They seem to have a mix of popular or trending indies, somewhat miscellaneous but reasonable seeming third party games, a rare actual Nintendo game, and games like this week which seem like high profile but subpar games trying to squeeze out a few more sales.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I think there have been a few occasions when the game trial is a big RPG or something like that, which seems a bit pointless to me - I'm not gonna download an entire RPG just to play it for a week before having to pay to continue. It works better when it's a more pick-up-and-play game (preferably with a small file size, as you say) like Suika Game or Vampire Survivors (the latter of which I bought because of a game trial, which is the only time I've actually done that).

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Dogorilla I pretty much treat the trials like demos for games without demos so I don't really mind RPG trials; I'll play for an hour and either delete the trial or wishlist it to buy later... although if it's a zillion gigabytes I might not bother downloading it. I've bought cult of the lamb, Stardew, and Eastward after NSO trials. Although I didn't buy it, I really appreciated the Splatoon trial as well since I had never played Splatoon before. I always hope there will be a trial for series I'm interested in but never have demos such as Bayonetta or Xenoblade.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Yeah that's fair, I suppose for me it's because I tend to only play one 'big' game at a time so I don't want to start another one from a trial and just make a few hours' progress, as even if I decide to buy the game I probably wouldn't play it all the way through straight away. For RPGs I'd rather have a specially made demo that just lets you play a short section of the game with a quick tutorial rather than going through all the opening fluff, but I appreciate that's a lot more work for the devs.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


NA + Europe trial (May 3 - May 9 2024) - STAR WARS: Knights of the Old Republic

  • 7/10 review on NL
  • 50% off ($7.50)
  • 12 GB

Why do the trials keep being enormous hard to download games?? Also why is this ancient looking game so large. o.o

I'll add this to the first post just so we eventually have them all in one place.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Oh wow you’re right these are under utilized cuz I had my switch for 3 years and never bothered with them. I downloaded monster hunter rise but that eventually came to game pass so I’m playing it there now.

Phoenix Wrong

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